Finding your next home
is just a step away!
Download our newly
developed real estate
search app!
It is FREE and no worries,
we WON’T sell
your information!
No Pressure, No Hassle,
100% Focused on Serving You!

Get the App!
Download the app from Apple and/or the Google Play Store. The name of the app is Myrtle Beach Realty Experts. You can click/ tap the App Store logo or scan the app QR code to go straight to the App in the App Store.
After downloading the app you will need to register/ sign up to unlock the full potential of the app.
We will greet you shortly after you register on the app. Our goal is to fully understand what your time frame is and to fully understand what you are looking for..
We guarantee to always listen to you and give the highest level of service.
No Pressure, No Hassle, 100% Focused on Serving You!
Accurate Data:
Direct connection to the MLS! Check out all listings (Active, Backup/Pending, Sold, Leases) in real time.
Tired of Zillow's inaccurate Zestimate? Find out what your home is worth with 99%+ accuracy.
Smart Search:
Take the guesswork out of searching, and quickly see listings by searching in the neighborhoods, cities, areas, zips, streets, etc you like the most!
Looking for a home with 3 baths? No problem. Use the filter options to find your perfect fit.
All open houses (blue pins) and scheduled times are in the comfort of your hand. Driving directions are included too!
Fun & Easy:
Favorite the best listings, write notes on properties, share homes with those you love - all this, from wherever you are.
One Touch Away: I'm only one tap away - quickly call, email or text me directly from the app.
⬇️ Tap to download ⬇️
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Home search Anytime, Anywhere.
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Save and share. All in one place!
Select a home to view!
View details of each property and have direct access to your real estate expert!
Real time notifications. Don't ever miss the perfect home!